Swimming pools have a lot of different features, one being lights. Pools will often have lights and they are usually placed along the side walls. These lights make night time swimming safer and create an aesthetic glow to the pool. Light simply makes pools look much more attractive and so most pools will have light. These lights are submerged, usually a foot or two down into the water. So what happens when the light bulbs go out? When the lights begin to flicker do they need to be repaired? Metropolitan Pools will share how lights are repaired in your pool and why you need to seek a professional pool service.
Can You Fix a Pool Light without Draining Water from the Pool?
Many homeowners will wonder how to do the repair of a light fixture in a pool. Do you drain the pool down below the light fixture? Is it expensive to have the light in a pool repaired? A pool’s light fixture and gasket system is a bit unique and so are the light bulbs used for pools. However, pool light repairs are not as expensive as you may think. Another surprise is you do not need to lower your pool’s water level.
What Causes Pool Lights to Stop Working?
When a pool’s lights have a problem, the first step is to diagnose what the problem is. The light fixtures have a sealed glass enclosure that houses the light bulb. The glass lens is secured on either side with screws or clamps along with a rubber gasket that waterproofs the fixture. The wiring system is also sealed and is water proof for obvious reasons. When a pool’s lights aren’t working it is either due to two major reasons. Either the light fixture isn’t working even though it has power, or the light fixture is not working because it doesn’t have power. When the light fixture has power but is not working, this usually points to the bulb simply being burned out and needing to be replaced. If the light fixture is receiving power and it is not the bulb, then the light fixture needs to be replaced. If the light fails due to lack of power this is a much bigger problem. Potentially, the wiring has corroded and is no longer supplying power.
How Do I Know if My Pool Light Fixture is Bad?
However, it can be difficult to diagnose what is going wrong with a pool’s lighting system. A number of problems may have occurred. For example the light fixture rubber gasket may have failed and you now have water leaking into the light fixture or into the pool electrical system. The rubber gasket is a common problem that can lead to erosion of the internal light fixture. Many times it is simply a light bulb that went out and needs to be replaced. When you need to have a light or light fixture repaired in the pool, it is best to contact a professional pool service. There are a number of potential hazards and it is important that the light fixture is repaired properly as to not allow any water leaks.
Vinyl Pool Installation, Repair, Maintenance & More in Sandusky, Lorain, Elyria, Medina, Parma, Mentor, Akron & Greater Cleveland, Ohio
For reliable residential pool services, maintenance and more, Metropolitan Pools offers a number of pool services, including new pool installations! To schedule our service, simply contact Metropolitan Pools today!